Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Brainstorm! A new way to search, research!

Yes, the Titans are all fighting hard to win the battle of the search engines. Personally I think it will take one of the three Bing, Yahoo or Google to come out with something very unique that will differentiate them.

At the moment we have text search, image search, video search and a few other types. So today for example, if I had to research everything about the word "Homer", I would just type the word and out comes a list of text garbage I must search through. Personally I find this process very time consuming! Yes, the list must be very cleverly devised to produce the best results from the internet but I want this search process to be easier. This is why I propose the initiation of  "BrainStorm", an interactive research tool!

This is how it would work:

Step 1: Our BrainStorm search can start off with the usual text search. Although I believe one should also be allowed to drag and drop an image or even a music file to start the search.

First search bubble

Step 2: The search advances by presenting several suggested searches and we just click those bubbles that help us zero into our research topic..In this case the search being Homer! In the end we have a wonderful bubble diagram or brainstorm diagram that can be printed out for further use.

The bubble journey!!
Google, Bing, Yahoo any buyers?

Black Boards, White Boards and now Smart Boards!

I was dreaming in class again! I remember starting out school in the days when we had chalk boards. How messy did that get! Then I remember the day I walked into class after my summer vacations to see new white boards.

The world has managed to advance a lot in the past decade or so but we still use boring old white boards. So, I thought of why not have something like a digi board. A board that can actually interact while you write on it. I Googled to see if someone has already thought of the idea and ....YES they have! It isn't called digi board but smart board...

But why hasn't this productive tool hit the workspace yet! Why are schools and Universities so late to adopt this!! Oh wait a minute I forgot, apple is probably is going to come out with a better model and they might call it   iBoard :D ...a massive iPad in ever cubicle... :D...any buyers?

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Apple should really enter the fashion industry! :D

If Apple and all the other big boys in the same space are just trying to make a gadget geek look fashionable, why don't they go the distance and actually enter the fashion market.

I came across this website; a blog dedicated to shoes!
What interested me was this pretty picture in the blog:

This happens to be a miniature shoe city designed for Japanese shoe manufacturer Onitsuka Tiger by design firm Freedom of Creation. 

Now I am not bothered about shoe cities for the moment but what does make me think is why hasn't anyone come up with a T shirt or a shoe that can actually change colours or designs. I am sure its feasible! All it takes is a thin layer of filament that can change designs or colour based on what you choose it to be every morning!! 

So, 'What if' this happens? All the ladies can now finally make some room in their closets! 

Monday, September 27, 2010

Flex! Can this kill the iPad?

Doodling on the blog!
We saw the iPhones, smart phones, iPads and many other; and yet I believe the market's hunger for swanky products is still very much alive!

Yes! I believe there is room for another product in the already crowded mobile devices market space. A product that can merge the smart phones and iPad like devices. Whichever company can pull this off, can essentially kill the iPad and grab a large section of the smart phone market too. I present to you my very own FLEX!
 What if, this could be implemented? I am thinking Why not?! A device that can be folded into a small pocket size phone and can also be opened up as a larger screen. Kill two birds with one stone!

I am sure we don't have to wait long enough to see this hit the market!!