Matel released a toy called Mindflex at CES 2009. This is an amazing little toy that reads the beta waves from your brain and then uses it in a game scenario. So, you control objects in the real world using nothing but your concentration power. WOW! If you don't believe me..check it out for yourself at
I am surprised that even after almost two years XBOX or Play Station haven't attempted to buy this technology or tried to replicate it. Why should they do it? Think of the numerous virtual world games that could use this technology! Imagine playing Star Wars on a console where you are the Jedi. In the game your power or force is measured by using the Mindflex toy which will interact with the console. This would be a wonderful extension to XBOX Kinect but lets see if any of the consoles value this technology at all.
I believe the future of Hollywood is very much integrated with that of the gaming community. Innovations like MindFlex and Kinect are taking us closer to a world where we wont just be passive viewers of Hollywood movies. Movies in the future would require us to interact with the story lines and be part of another virtual world.
I remember reading great interactive books when I was young which allowed us to choose the destiny of your heroes as we followed them in the book. For example, as we read through the chapters the readers were given options like 'If you want the Prince to go the palace keep reading, else turn to page 52!' . Just as these books managed to give us a little bit of control and made us feel part of the protagonists journey, I believe movies in the future would also allow us to interact with them.
Just like James Cameroon was credited for taking Hollywood into another whole dimension with Avatar, very soon someone will rise to the occasion and transform the Hollywood experience from an viewing experience into an interactive one.