Friday, January 21, 2011

Efficient service delivery for auto rickshaws!

Walking through the busy streets of India, one of the largest economies of the world, you feel helpless when you don't find a auto rickshaw. Here are some new designs I found on the net for the future auto rickshaws of the world:
Yamaha's electric rickshaw

An auto rickshaw is often the only source to commute out of small localities where our amazing public transport system can't yet access. Often these three wheeler taxi services are all pooled up in specific locations and at the end of the day we have to find them. 

TVS auto rickshaw
"What if" there was an app created which would allow auto drivers to find us when we need them. As Indian auto drivers experience the benefits of the growing economy, they are bound to buy smart phones as prices come dwindling down in the near future. An application can be developed on the phone which will allow the user to send out a call service to the nearest auto driver! The call service should also give details of the final destination to the auto driver giving him the power to choose too. Makes me think why hasn't this sort of an application been developed for taxi services as off yet.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Gadget integration and Receptor!

Exams and holidays are over! My holiday at Maldives was great. The cool Indian ocean breeze, the blue beach and the setting sun inspired me to dream on. Feels great to have a MBA..only time will tell how I will use this degree to change the world around me...

The internet revolution is pushing websites to become a one stop solution for the masses. Now the internet is facing a shake-out period where only the titans will survive. Yahoo, Google are all trying to integrate solutions.

I foresee a world where "integration" is the key differentiator for the large corporations. Integration not just in the software realm but also in the physical. Imagine a world where our cellphones, laptops, Ipads, TVs, Fridges, pens, cars, are all talking to each other. For example, your Ipad recognizing the fact that your fridge doesn't have enough milk in it or your laptop converting your notes taken with your pen.

In light of the age of integration it is most probable that there will be space for a new device; I call this device "Receptor".  In life all we have are memories and Receptor is a device that would record each instance of your life. Using the rich database of the owners daily behaviour, the device would be a mirror of human life as it is in the digital realm. Recording and understanding human behaviour to predict and suggest solutions for the owner. This device would integrate your whole life with all the gadgets that you have and make digital human integration seamless.

If integration really is the future, then we need something or someone to manage it.