Saturday, February 25, 2012

Digital Expression - Evolution of the social media platform!

Don't worry Facebook, Google + and Twitter are here to stay but the geeks and futurists will surely bring about the slow death of the website "platform" on which these communities flourish today. "What if" social media communities were no longer just online website communities? or to put it another way - is it possible to integrate Google + and Facebook features in our world (the real world) i.e. at the mall or at the next big concert.

My answer is yes! And I am pretty sure a lot of other people in the social media industry already know so and are keeping quite about it, just so that they have their competitive edge in intact. So how do you do it? Well I envision a tomorrow where the Facebook "like" for example, is no longer just a button on a website but an expression which is seeded across every store and social gathering.

For example, imagine a real Facebook like button placed on every price tag in a fashion store or on the next bowl of soup you order. Users no longer have to wait till they reach home to like something on a website, they now like on the go! My little research into the subject uncovered many other inventors thinking in the same direction!

With Google already announcing plans to release their terminator glasses in 2012, one can only dream of the immense other possibilities that it opens up. For example, talking to your lost friend through to his destination would no longer be a conversation on Google + maps but on the shared lenses.

In conclusion digital expression is only going to get more vivid and real time as the years go by. The implications of this would only mean evolution of the platforms on which social communities operate.

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