Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Black Boards, White Boards and now Smart Boards!

I was dreaming in class again! I remember starting out school in the days when we had chalk boards. How messy did that get! Then I remember the day I walked into class after my summer vacations to see new white boards.

The world has managed to advance a lot in the past decade or so but we still use boring old white boards. So, I thought of why not have something like a digi board. A board that can actually interact while you write on it. I Googled to see if someone has already thought of the idea and ....YES they have! It isn't called digi board but smart board...

But why hasn't this productive tool hit the workspace yet! Why are schools and Universities so late to adopt this!! Oh wait a minute I forgot, apple is probably is going to come out with a better model and they might call it   iBoard :D ...a massive iPad in ever cubicle... :D...any buyers?

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